The day has come to make use of all those hard-earned dollars you’ve been saving and get a place of your own. For most of us, buying a property is a big undertaking, as homeownership comes with a hefty price tag and a long-term financial commitment.
It’s time to make some tough decisions. Do you want to put all that money in a resale flat? Or perhaps get a new launch condo instead? There are pros-n-cons to each, but in this guide, we will focus on the steps taken for buying a new launch condo.
These are the six steps you’ll need to familiarize yourself with for a successful New Launch Condo purchase.
8 Weeks Payment Schedule
As mentioned above, an eight-week completion timeline will kick in once you sign the OTP and book your apartment.
- On Issuance of the Option to Purchase (OTP) – 5% will be paid in cash by you.
- Within the next two weeks, you’ll be appointing a conveyancing law firm to handle the proceedings on your behalf and start researching and applying for a bank loan. The Developer will issue three sets of the Sales & Purchase (S&P) agreements.
- Once you’ve received your S&P, you’ll have three weeks to sign and submit all the documents and payments required to exercise the S&P successfully.
- Next, youโll have to pay the Buyerโs Stamp Duty (BSD), as well as any Additional Buyerโs Stamp Duty (ABSD) if necessary as well as your legal fees.
- Finally, you’ll pay the 15% downpayment in Cash or CPF and proceed into the progressive payment scheme.
Progressive Payment Scheme
Here is a more detailed view of the Progressive Payment Scheme:
Overall you would be looking at a 3-4 years period for your new home to be built. If you still have questions I’ll be happy to further discuss this with you.
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