
Where to find affordable HDB Flats

Affordable 4-Room and 5-Room Resale Flats Exist, But Where Are They?

The phrase “location, location, location” is a frequently heard mantra. It echoes the importance of location when buying a new property. While that’s undeniably true, the next most important consideration for the conscious homebuyer is most assuredly price.Due to concerns about HDB resale flats reaching the million-dollar mark, homeowners feel discouraged. One of the priciest recent sales was a...

HDB or Condo

Navigating the HDB vs Condo Debate

In the Singapore property market, deciding between a Housing Development Board (HDB) flat or a condominium (condo) is a common dilemma. Both options offer unique advantages and drawbacks. The choice often depends on personal preferences, financial capability, and long-term goals. This guide helps potential homeowners make an informed decision in the HDB vs Condo debate. Understanding the Basics: HDB vs...

The benefits of condo ownership

Discover the Benefits of Condo Ownership

Discover the incredible benefits of condo ownership today! Experience the convenience, security, and investment potential that comes with owning a condo. Don't wait, learn more now! Contact me today. Introduction As we move further into the 21st century, the way we live and the spaces we inhabit are changing. One of the most significant shifts in recent years has been the rise of condominium living,...

Boutique Condos

Boutique Condos: What’s The Big Deal With These Small Condos?

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes Heard of developments like Ardor Residence, The Hillshore, or Straits at Joo Chiat? Then, you might already be familiar with some of the newest boutique condos on the market. Consisting of 100 units or less, boutique condominiums (or condos) are small yet sophisticated. And though they possess smaller site areas and fewer amenities than their larger...

New Launch Condos in District 15

New Launch Condos in District 15: Should You Buy One?

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes District 15 has a unique blend of heritage, convenience, and quietness and is lauded by Easties as one of Singapore's best places to live. Being a location well-loved by locals and ex-pats alike, District 15 has always been a popular district among homebuyers due to the allure of seafront living and its unique lifestyle experiences. Your prayers have been answered...

Mega Development Condo

The Pros & Cons of Living in a Mega-development Condo

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes Does this sound like you? Do you like to be spoiled for choices? Pay less for maintenance? How about having a large selection of amenities to choose from? Do you want to be able to shop at the convenience store, have a haircut, enjoy a cup of coffee, or perhaps visit the clinic literally just at your doorstep? Do you enjoy living on a bigger plot of land and...

2022 Guide to buying a condo (new launch)

2022 – Guide to buying a Condo apartment (New Launch)

The day has come to make use of all those hard-earned dollars you've been saving and get a place of your own. For most of us, buying a property is a big undertaking, as homeownership comes with a hefty price tag and a long-term financial commitment. It's time to make some tough decisions. Do you want to put all that money in a resale flat? Or perhaps get a new launch condo instead? There are...

Guide To Property Stamp Duties in Singapore - Updated 2022

All You need to know about Buyer’s Stamp Duty

On Dec 15th, 2021 The Singapore Government announced a package of measures to cool the private residential and HDB resale markets. With effect from 16 December 2021, Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD) rates will be raised, and the Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR) threshold will be tightened. The Government has also tightened the LTV limit for loans from HDB from 90% to 85% Update:...

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